Mastering the Jaw Thrust Maneuver: Technique for Airway Management

The Jaw Thrust Maneuver is a vital first aid technique used to secure and maintain an open airway in an unconscious patient while minimizing the risk of aggravating neck or spinal injuries. This maneuver is particularly useful when dealing with trauma cases or when the traditional head tilt-chin lift technique might not be appropriate due to suspected neck injury.

How to Perform Jaw Thrust Maneuver?

Here's how to perform the Jaw Thrust Maneuver:


  1. Position Yourself: Begin by positioning yourself at the head of the unconscious person to have a clear view of the person's airway and face while providing better control during the maneuver.
  2. Ensure Proper Neck Alignment: Assess the person's neck for any potential injuries or trauma. If you suspect a neck injury, take precautions to maintain the alignment of the cervical spine.
  3. Gently Extend the Jaw: With your index and middle fingers on both sides of the person's lower jaw, place your thumbs on their chin for support. Apply gentle upward pressure to lift the jaw while keeping the person's head in a neutral, slightly extended position.
  4. Lift the Jaw: As you apply gentle pressure to lift the jaw, ensure that the movement is directed upwards and slightly forward. This motion helps avoid hyperextending the neck while promoting a clear airway.
  5. Open the Airway: The upward and forward movement of the jaw helps displace the tongue and any potential obstructions from the back of the throat, thus opening the airway passage for effective breathing.
  6. Monitor Breathing: Observe the person's chest for visible signs of breathing. Look for the rise and fall of the chest, listen for breath sounds, and feel for the exhalation of air on your cheek.
  7. Reassess and Adjust: Continuously monitor the person's breathing and responsiveness. If breathing resumes, place the person in the recovery position if appropriate and seek professional medical assistance. If the person remains unresponsive or is not breathing, initiate rescue breathing or CPR as necessary.


jaw thrusts position

Position Yourself

Position yourself at the head of the unconscious person. Stand or kneel at a level that allows you to maintain a comfortable and stable posture throughout the maneuver. This positioning provides you with a clear line of sight to the person's airway and face, enabling better control of the process.

Ensure Proper Neck Alignment

Before you begin the maneuver, assess the person's neck for any signs of injury, trauma, or potential neck instability. Pay attention to the person's posture and any visible abnormalities. If there's a possibility of neck injury, take extra precautions to maintain proper alignment of the cervical spine while performing the maneuver.

Gently Extend the Jaw

With your index and middle fingers, position your hands on both sides of the person's lower jaw, near the angles of the jawbone. Your thumbs should be placed on the person's chin, forming a stable and controlled grip. This hand placement provides the necessary support to guide the movement of the jaw while maintaining proper alignment of the head and neck.


Lift the Jaw

Applying gentle pressure with your fingers and thumbs, begin to lift the person's lower jaw in an upward direction. The goal is to create a slight separation between the upper and lower teeth, which allows for better airway alignment. As you do this, ensure that you maintain the person's head in a neutral position, avoiding any backward tilting of the head.

Open the Airway

As you lift the jaw, you'll notice the person's mouth opening. This movement effectively displaces the tongue from the back of the throat, preventing any potential obstructions that might hinder breathing. The person's airway should now be clear and open, allowing air to flow freely into the lungs.

Monitor Breathing

With the person's airway open, observe their chest for visible signs of breathing. Look for the rise and fall of the chest, indicating inhalation and exhalation. Listen for breath sounds and pay attention to any movement of the person's abdomen. Place your cheek close to the person's mouth to feel for the exhalation of air.

Reassess and Adjust

Continuously monitor the person's breathing and responsiveness. If breathing resumes and the person shows signs of regaining consciousness, gently position them in the recovery position if appropriate. However, if the person remains unresponsive and is not breathing, it's crucial to initiate appropriate life-saving measures.

  • Call for Help: If not already done, call for professional medical assistance immediately.
  • Rescue Breathing or CPR: If the person is not breathing, initiate rescue breathing or CPR according to your training and certification.


Remember that every moment is precious in such situations, so maintaining composure, accuracy, and attentiveness is essential. While the Jaw Thrust Maneuver is effective, it's vital to receive proper training and practice to ensure its successful execution in critical moments.


What is the Jaw Thrust Maneuver?

The Jaw Thrust Maneuver is a lifesaving technique developed to address the limitations and risks associated with the head tilt-chin lift technique. The primary objective of the jaw thrust maneuver is to establish a clear and unobstructed airway while minimizing any potential harm to the neck and spine.

jaw thrust definition

Historical Background or Evolution of the Technique

The origins of the Jaw Thrust Maneuver is traced back to medical advancements in managing trauma patients. As medical understanding of spinal injuries improved, the need for a safer technique to open the airway without exacerbating potential neck trauma became apparent. This led to developing the jaw thrust maneuver as a more suitable approach in specific scenarios.


When Should I Use the Jaw Thrust Technique in First Aid?

The Jaw Thrust Technique is a critical skill in first aid that should be employed in specific situations to ensure proper airway management and aid an unconscious person's breathing. Here are scenarios where using the Jaw Thrust Technique is appropriate:

  • Unconscious Individuals: The primary indication for using the Jaw Thrust Technique is when dealing with an unconscious person who is not responsive and not breathing normally. Opening the airway becomes crucial to facilitate effective breathing and initiate life-saving measures.
  • Suspected Neck or Spinal Injuries: Whenever there's a suspicion of neck or spinal injuries, such as in cases of accidents, falls, or trauma, the Jaw Thrust Technique is preferred over other methods that tilt the patient head. This technique maintains proper cervical spine alignment, reducing the risk of exacerbating potential injuries.
  • Limited Neck Mobility: For individuals who cannot tolerate neck movement due to medical conditions or known limitations, the Jaw Thrust Technique provides a safer way to open the airway without causing harm.
  • Facial Trauma or Fractures: In cases where the person has sustained facial trauma or fractures that hinder the use of the head tilt-chin lift maneuver, the Jaw Thrust Technique is an effective alternative.
  • Unknown Cause of Unconsciousness: If the reason for a person's unconsciousness is uncertain, it's prudent to use the Jaw Thrust Technique to ensure airway patency. This approach avoids causing harm in case there are underlying injuries.

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In what clinical situations might the jaw thrust maneuver be contraindicated?

While the Jaw Thrust Maneuver is a valuable technique, there are scenarios where it might not be the most suitable option:

  • Responsive Individuals: If the person is conscious, responsive, and capable of protecting their own airway, the Jaw Thrust Technique is unnecessary. A conscious person will naturally adjust their position to maintain an open airway.
  • Clear Airway: If the airway is already clear, and the person is breathing effectively, the Jaw Thrust Technique is not needed. Focus on ensuring the person's comfort and monitoring their condition.
  • Single Rescuer: Executing the Jaw Thrust Technique alone, especially in challenging environments, might be difficult. If you are the sole rescuer, prioritize safety and consider alternative techniques or waiting for assistance.
  • Excessive Resistance or Rigidity: In situations where the person exhibits excessive muscle rigidity or jaw clenching, achieving effective airway opening using the Jaw Thrust Technique alone might be challenging.
  • Facial or Jaw Fractures: Severe facial or jaw fractures might limit the effectiveness of the Jaw Thrust Technique. In such cases, consult medical professionals for appropriate airway management strategies.
  • Agitated or Combative Individuals: Attempting the Jaw Thrust Technique on an agitated or combative individual is unsafe. Ensure personal safety and consider seeking help from professionals trained in handling such situations.


Differences Between Jaw Thrust and Head Tilt Techniques

Head Tilt-Chin Lift Maneuver involves tilting the person's head backward to open the airway. It potentially cause hyperextension of the neck, which is a concern in cases of suspected neck injury.

Jaw Thrust Maneuver focuses on displacing the jaw forward to establish an open airway. It provides better cervical spine alignment, making it suitable for situations involving neck trauma.

Difference Between Jaw Thrust and Head Tilt Techniques

Advantages of Using Jaw Thrust Maneuver

The Jaw Thrust Maneuver presents a range of advantages that make it a superior choice compared to alternative techniques when it comes to opening the airway in various scenarios:


  1. Cervical Spine Protection: By adhering to proper neck alignment, the Jaw Thrust Maneuver reduces the risk of exacerbating neck or cervical spine injuries while working to establish a clear airway. This is particularly crucial in cases involving trauma or accidents, where maintaining the integrity of the cervical spine is paramount.
  2. Airway Patency: The primary objective of the Jaw Thrust Maneuver is to ensure unobstructed airflow into the lungs. By effectively displacing the tongue and any potential obstructions from the airway's posterior, this technique plays a pivotal role in maintaining a clear path for oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to exit.
  3. Ventilation Enhancement: For individuals requiring artificial ventilation, such as those who are not breathing spontaneously, the Jaw Thrust Maneuver offers a distinct advantage. It establishes a clear and direct passage for the delivery of air or oxygen into the lungs, optimizing the efficiency of respiration.
  4. Precise Airway Control: The Jaw Thrust Maneuver provides rescuers with a higher level of control over the airway adjustment process. The ability to manipulate the position of the jaw enables precise management of the airway, ensuring that the best possible conditions for oxygen exchange are achieved.
  5. Applicability to Trauma Cases: In situations involving trauma, where the potential for neck or spinal injuries is significant, the Jaw Thrust Maneuver shines. Its emphasis on maintaining cervical spine stability makes it an invaluable tool for first responders and medical professionals working with individuals who have sustained trauma.
  6. Compatibility with Immobilization: When immobilization of the neck is necessary, as in cases of suspected spinal injuries, the Jaw Thrust Maneuver remains an option. By focusing on jaw manipulation rather than head tilting, it accommodates the need for neck immobilization while still allowing for effective airway management.
  7. Avoiding Hyperextension of the Neck: Unlike the conventional head tilt technique, the Jaw Thrust Maneuver does not involve tilting the head backward. This crucial distinction helps prevent overextension of the neck, reducing the risk of aggravating existing neck injuries and promoting safer airway management.
  8. Reduced Risk of Vomiting and Aspiration: One of the potential complications in unconscious individuals is the risk of vomit or fluids entering the airway. The proper alignment achieved through the Jaw Thrust Maneuver reduces this risk by facilitating the natural flow of fluids away from the airway, minimizing the chances of aspiration.


Disadvantages of Using Jaw Thrust Maneuver

While the Jaw Thrust Maneuver offers numerous benefits, it's important to acknowledge its limitations to ensure safe and effective application:

  1. Jaw Thrust Requires Training: Executing the Jaw Thrust Maneuver correctly demands proper training and practice. In high-stress situations, when accuracy is crucial, inadequate training hinders effective airway management.
  2. Requires Attention to Neck Alignment: Maintaining proper neck alignment during the Jaw Thrust Maneuver necessitates meticulous attention to detail. Any misalignment could potentially lead to unintended consequences or harm.
  3. Risk of Aggravating Neck Injuries: Despite proper execution, there might still be situations where the Jaw Thrust Maneuver could inadvertently worsen neck injuries, especially in complex cases.
  4. Patient Discomfort: Performing the jaw thrust maneuver might cause discomfort for the unconscious person, especially if not executed gently and with sensitivity.
  5. Limited Assistance with Ventilation: While the Jaw Thrust Maneuver effectively opens the airway, it doesn't provide assistance with the act of breathing itself. Additional interventions, such as rescue breaths, is required.
  6. Complexity in High-Stress Situations: In demanding and high-stress situations, the complexity of accurately executing the Jaw Thrust Maneuver pose challenges. Adequate training is vital to ensure its proper application during critical moments.


Safety Precautions and Considerations

  • Scene Safety: Prioritize the safety of yourself, bystanders, and the injured person.
  • Neck Assessment: Always assess the neck for potential injuries before performing the maneuver.
  • Gentle Approach: Use gentle and controlled movements to avoid causing additional harm or discomfort.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Maintain vigilance over the person's responsiveness and breathing throughout the maneuver.
  • Professional Help: Seek medical assistance promptly, especially if the person remains unresponsive or experiences difficulty breathing.


How can the effectiveness of the jaw thrust maneuver be assessed in an unconscious patient?

To assess the effectiveness of the jaw thrust maneuver in an unconscious patient, observe breathing sounds, monitor chest movement, confirm air exchange, check oxygen saturation levels, and make necessary adjustments if breathing deteriorates.

What are the common complications or risks associated with the jaw thrust maneuver?

Common complications or risks associated with the jaw thrust maneuver include:

  • Jaw dislocation: The jaw thrust maneuver's force dislocates the jaw joint, causing pain and limited movement.
  • Dental damage: Manipulating the jaw chips or fractures teeth or injures the gums.
  • Inadequate airway clearance: Incorrect or insufficient maneuvering fails to clear airway obstructions, leading to breathing difficulties.
  • Neck injury aggravation: Improper jaw thrust technique worsens neck injuries, especially in those with suspected cervical spine trauma.
  • Discomfort or trauma: The jaw thrust maneuver causes discomfort or distress, particularly in conscious patients, and worsens pre-existing jaw conditions.

How does the efficacy of the jaw thrust maneuver compare to other airway management techniques in emergency care?

The efficacy of the jaw thrust maneuver in comparison to other airway management techniques in emergency care is notable for its ability to maintain an open airway without moving the neck, making it particularly suitable for patients with suspected cervical spine injuries. However, while it is effective in such cases, it requires more skill to perform correctly.

In contrast, techniques like intubation and supraglottic airway devices offer more secure airway management but necessitate advanced training and is not suitable for all situations. Overall, the choice of technique depends on the specific needs of the patient and the proficiency of the healthcare provider.

is Jaw Thrust Maneuver Effective on  Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion?

The effectiveness of the jaw-thrust maneuver on laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion was evaluated in a study involving paramedics. Contrary to the hypothesis that the jaw-thrust maneuver would ease LMA insertion by moving the tongue forward, the study found that it did not reduce insertion times compared to the standard method. However, the jaw-thrust maneuver did not complicate LMA insertion, even when combined with chest compressions and cervical stabilization. Therefore, while the jaw-thrust maneuver does not expedite LMA insertion, it remains a viable technique without complicating the procedure, suggesting its continued use in trauma care settings.

How  jaw thrust maneuver is adapted or modified for pediatric patients?

For pediatric patients, the maneuver is gentler due to smaller anatomy. Here's how the jaw thrust maneuver is modified for pediatric patients:

  1. Two-Finger Technique: Instead of using the index and middle fingers of both hands as in adults, pediatric patients typically require a gentler approach. Healthcare providers often use the index and middle fingers of one hand to perform the jaw thrust maneuver, applying gentle upward pressure on the angles of the mandible while stabilizing the head with the other hand.
  2. Careful Neck Immobilization: Pediatric patients are more susceptible to spinal cord injury, so special care must be taken to minimize movement of the neck during airway management. Providers should use gentle maneuvers to avoid excessive neck extension and maintain neutral alignment whenever possible.
  3. Assessment of Airway Patency: Due to the smaller size of pediatric airways, even slight obstructions causes respiratory distress. Healthcare providers should carefully assess the airway for signs of obstruction and employ the jaw thrust maneuver to relieve any blockages while minimizing movement of the neck.
  4. Use of Adjuncts: In some cases, additional airway adjuncts such as oral or nasal airways are necessary to optimize the effectiveness of the jaw thrust maneuver in pediatric patients. These adjuncts help maintain airway patency and facilitate adequate ventilation, particularly in infants and small children.

By adapting the jaw thrust maneuver to suit the unique anatomical and physiological characteristics of pediatric patients, healthcare providers effectively manage their airways while minimizing the risk of complications and ensuring optimal patient outcomes. Additionally, in cases involving children with cervical masses, special consideration must be given to potential exacerbation of upper airway obstruction during anesthesia induction, as demonstrated in cases where the jaw thrust maneuver was applied.

The physiological basis for airway obstruction in unconscious patients and how the jaw thrust maneuver alleviates it.

In unconscious patients, the tongue and soft tissues relaxes and falls backward, obstructing the airway. This obstruction prevents air from freely flowing into the lungs, leading to respiratory distress or failure. The jaw thrust maneuver addresses this by pulling the mandible forward, which in turn lifts the base of the tongue and soft tissues away from the posterior pharyngeal wall. By repositioning the mandible in this manner, the jaw thrust maneuver effectively clears the airway obstruction and restores the passage for air to enter the lungs, facilitating adequate ventilation and oxygenation.

The role of the jaw thrust maneuver in advanced trauma life support protocols.

Within the framework of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocols, the jaw thrust maneuver holds a critical role in ensuring airway patency while minimizing movement of the cervical spine, especially in patients with suspected traumatic injuries. As part of the primary survey during trauma resuscitation, maintaining a patent airway is paramount for optimizing patient outcomes. The jaw thrust maneuver allows healthcare providers to achieve this goal by manually displacing the mandible forward without flexing or extending the neck, thus reducing the risk of exacerbating potential cervical spine injuries.

Biomechanical implications of the jaw thrust maneuver on the cervical spine, particularly in trauma patients.

The biomechanical implications of the jaw thrust maneuver on the cervical spine, particularly in trauma patients, warrant careful consideration. The maneuver involves applying an anterior-posterior force to the mandible, potentially transmitting forces to the cervical spine. In patients with traumatic injuries, such forces could exacerbate existing spinal cord damage or induce new injuries.

However, employing proper technique, including gentle and controlled manipulation of the mandible, helps minimize excessive movement of the cervical spine and maintains relative stabilization during the maneuver. This cautious approach ensures that the benefits of airway management through the jaw thrust maneuver outweigh the potential risks of cervical spine injury exacerbation.

Is the jaw thrust maneuver always effective in maintaining an open airway for all unconscious patients?

No, the jaw thrust maneuver is effective in many cases but not always for all unconscious patients, as its success depends on factors like the underlying cause of airway obstruction and individual patient anatomy.

The jaw thrust maneuver is particularly useful for opening the airway without moving the neck, which is crucial in trauma patients with suspected cervical spine injuries. According to a study in the journal Resuscitation, the jaw thrust maneuver was able to maintain airway patency in about 75% of patients with simulated airway obstruction .

Are there specific patient conditions where the jaw thrust maneuver is contraindicated?

Yes, the jaw thrust maneuver is contraindicated or less effective in conditions such as severe facial fractures, significant edema or obstructions, and reduced muscle tone. In patients with facial trauma, using the jaw thrust maneuver exacerbate injuries or be ineffective due to deformities.

How does the jaw thrust maneuver compare in efficacy to other advanced airway management techniques?

The jaw thrust maneuver is generally less effective than advanced techniques like endotracheal intubation or supraglottic airway devices in maintaining airway patency, but it is less invasive and crucial in situations with suspected spinal injury.
Advanced airway management techniques such as endotracheal intubation provide a more secure airway but require specialized training and equipment. In emergency settings, endotracheal intubation has a success rate of over 90% for securing the airway, compared to basic maneuvers like the jaw thrust .

How is the jaw thrust maneuver incorporated into BLS training protocols?

The jaw thrust maneuver is a core component of Basic Life Support training protocols, integral to airway management techniques. Trainees are taught the proper technique, emphasizing the importance of maintaining cervical spine neutrality.  Integrated into the CPR sequence, trainees apply the maneuver immediately after assessing responsiveness and breathing. Role-playing scenarios reinforce its application in various emergencies. Instructors provide feedback to ensure proper execution, and periodic review maintains proficiency. This comprehensive approach equips healthcare providers and lay rescuers with the necessary skills to effectively manage the airway of unconscious patients during emergencies.


  • Bingham RM, Proctor LT. Airway management. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2008 Aug;55(4):873-86, ix-x. doi: 10.1016/j.pcl.2008.04.004. PMID: 18675024.
  • Ozbek AE, Sanci E. Comparison of Jaw-Thrust Maneuver and Standard Method for Airway Management with Laryngeal Mask Airway by Paramedics during Chest Compression: A Randomized, Crossover, Manikin Study. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022 Jun;37(3):378-382. doi: 10.1017/S1049023X22000620. Epub 2022 Apr 19. PMID: 35437136.
  • von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Erb TO, Frei FJ. Jaw thrust deteriorate upper airway patency. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2005 Apr;49(4):583-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2005.00637.x. PMID: 15777312.