How to Treat Concussion with First Aid

Concussions, a prevalent type of traumatic brain injury, often result from sports, falls, or accidents. Effective treatment is key to recovery. This guide succinctly addresses immediate and long-term concussion management and prevention strategies.


Understanding Concussions

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck, leading to rapid movement of the brain within the skull. It results in a range of symptoms, both immediate and delayed, affecting cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being. Due to under-reporting and to the widely varying definitions of concussion, it is difficult to estimate how common the condition is.

According to research, the rise in concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), coupled with a shortage of evidence-based treatments, remains a significant health concern. This complicates efforts to effectively manage symptoms in patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS)


What Causes a Concussion?

A concussion is typically caused by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck, resulting in the rapid movement of the brain inside the skull. This sudden movement leads to various physiological changes in the brain, affecting its normal function. While concussions occurs in a variety of situations, some common causes and scenarios include:

  • Sports Injuries: High-impact sports such as football, soccer, rugby, and hockey involve frequent collisions and the potential for head injuries. Even sports like basketball or gymnastics pose a risk due to falls or collisions.
  • Accidents and Falls: Accidental falls, whether at home, work, or public spaces, results in head injuries. Car crashes, motorcycle accidents, or pedestrian accidents lead to head trauma.
  • Assaults and Physical Altercations: Physical altercations, including fights and assaults,  result in blows to the head.
  • Military Service: Military personnel experience concussions due to blast injuries, often associated with explosive devices.
  • Industrial Accidents: Workers in certain industries risk head injuries due to falls, equipment malfunctions, or other workplace accidents.
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome: Shaking a baby violently causes the brain to move within the skull, leading to a traumatic brain injury.
  • Accidental Head Strikes: Being hit on the head by falling objects or accidentally striking the head against a hard surface cause concussions.


It's important to note that the severity of a concussion varies, and symptoms doesn't always appear immediately. But according to research, the symptoms and signs of concussion usually resolve within 10 days, and most patients recover in 48-72 hours. Additionally, individuals are more susceptible to repeated concussions, which have cumulative effects on cognitive function and long-term health. 


What are the first steps to take after a suspected concussion?

Immediate Steps for Concussion Care:

  1. Assessment: If a concussion is suspected, assess the injured person for signs such as confusion, dizziness, nausea, or loss of consciousness.
  2. Rest: Ensure the injured person rests immediately. Avoid any physical or cognitive activities that could exacerbate symptoms.
  3. Ice Pack: Applying a cold compress to the affected area helps reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If there is any doubt about the severity of the injury, seek medical attention promptly.

1. Assessment

Maintain composure to effectively assess the situation. A calm approach helps create a conducive environment for the injured individual. Examine the circumstances surrounding the injury. Was there a direct blow to the head, face, or neck? Understanding the nature of the impact provides valuable information.

Thoroughly examine the injured person for potential signs of a mild concussion, including:

  • Loss of Consciousness: Determine if the person lost consciousness and note the duration.
  • Confusion: Look for signs of confusion, disorientation, or dizziness.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Monitor for any signs of nausea or vomiting, which indicate a potential concussion.


2. Rest

Instruct the injured person to rest as soon as possible. Emphasize the importance of avoiding any physical or cognitive activities that could worsen symptoms. If the injury occurred during a sports activity, ensure that the individual is immediately removed from the game or practice. Continuing to participate increases the risk of further injury.


3. Apply Cold Compress/Ice Pack 

If there are visible signs of swelling or if the injury involves the head or face, apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth. Gently place the cold compress on the affected area for short intervals, allowing breaks to prevent frostbite. Ensure there is no direct contact between the ice pack and the skin to avoid potential cold-related injuries.


4. Seek Professional Help

If there is any doubt about the severity of the injury or if the person exhibits persistent or worsening symptoms, seek professional medical attention promptly. If the person loses consciousness, experiences seizures, or shows signs of severe injury, immediately call emergency services (911 in the United States) for prompt medical assistance.

When seeking professional help, provide information about the circumstances of the injury, any observed symptoms, and the individual's medical history. This information aids healthcare professionals in making an accurate diagnosis.


Home Care for Concussions

Effective home care is vital for concussion healing and reducing complications. Management of concussion at home involves following general guidelines on physical rest and activity adjustments, complementing professional medical advice:

  • Limit Physical Activities: Encourage the individual to avoid strenuous physical activities, including sports, exercise, and heavy lifting.
  • Avoid Screen Time: Limit exposure to screens, including computers, smartphones, and televisions, to prevent eye strain and cognitive fatigue.
  • Limit Mental Activities: Encourage activities requiring intense concentration, such as reading, studying, or playing video games.
  • Avoid Work-related Tasks: If applicable, consider taking time off work or modifying work tasks to minimize cognitive demands.
  • Establish a Routine: Encourage a regular sleep schedule with consistent bed and wake times.
  • Avoid Stimulants: Minimize caffeine and other stimulants close to bedtime to promote quality sleep.
  • Stay Hydrated: Ensure the individual stays well-hydrated.
  • Balanced Diet: Promote a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients to support the body's healing process.
  • Record Symptoms: Have the individual keep a daily log of symptoms, noting any changes in headache intensity, dizziness, nausea, or other cognitive and physical symptoms.
  • Identify Triggers: Identify potential triggers or activities that worsen symptoms.
  • Medical Clearance: Before resuming normal activities, obtain clearance from a healthcare professional.
  • Step-wise Approach: Gradually reintroduce physical and cognitive activities in consultation with a healthcare provider.
  • No Contact Sports: Refrain from participating in contact sports or activities with a risk of head injury until medically cleared.
  • Minimize Exposure to Hazards: Avoid environments with a high risk of falls or head trauma.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Use over-the-counter pain relievers as a healthcare professional recommends for managing headaches or discomfort.
  • Avoid Certain Medications: Consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication, especially those that thins the blood or increase the risk of bleeding.


It's essential to tailor these guidelines to the specific needs of the individual, as the severity and symptoms of concussions varies. When in doubt, always seek advice from healthcare professionals to ensure a safe and effective recovery

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Special Care for Different Age Groups and Pets

Special care for different age groups and pets requires tailored approaches, considering each demographic's unique needs and vulnerabilities. Here are customized guidelines for managing concussions in children, toddlers, teenagers, elderly individuals, and pets


How to Treat Concussions in Children

  • Rest and Observation: Encourage the child to rest and avoid physical activities. Provide a quiet environment to minimize stimuli.
  • Cognitive Rest: Reduce exposure to screens, including computers and TVs. Communicate with teachers for academic modifications.
  • Communication and Support: Create an open dialogue for the child to express any discomfort. Offer reassurance and comfort during the recovery process.
  • Medical Consultation: Seek medical advice promptly to assess the severity of the concussion. Adhere to the healthcare professional's guidance for treatment and recovery.


How to Treat Concussions in Toddlers

  • Physical Safety Measures: Ensure the surroundings are safe to prevent additional injuries. Create play areas with soft surfaces to minimize the risk of falls.
  • Sleep and Rest: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule to support recovery. Engage in calm and quiet play activities.
  • Parental Observation: Be attentive to changes in behavior or signs of discomfort. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms are severe.
  • Avoid Overstimulation: Minimize exposure to loud noises and bright lights to avoid overstimulation. Encourage gentle interactions with caregivers.


How to Treat Concussions in Teenagers

  • Education and Independence: Educate teenagers about the importance of reporting common symptoms. Empower them to communicate their needs effectively.
  • Cognitive Rest Strategies: Work with teachers for academic adjustments, if necessary. Encourage social interactions but emphasize balance and rest.
  • Mental Health Support: Recognize and address potential emotional effects, providing support. Discuss the recovery process openly, involving the teenager in decisions.
  • Medical Consultation and Follow-Up: Seek medical evaluation promptly to assess the extent of the concussion. Attend follow-up appointments as recommended by healthcare professional


How to Treat Concussions in the Elderly

  • Immediate Medical Attention: Seek immediate medical attention for a comprehensive evaluation. Be mindful of existing health conditions tha complicates recovery.
  • Fall Prevention: Make necessary modifications to the home environment to prevent falls. Use assistive devices as needed for mobility and safety.
  • Mental Health Support: Recognize and address potential psychological effects, such as anxiety or fear. Discuss the recovery process openly, providing reassurance.


How to Treat Concussions in Pets

  • Veterinary Consultation: Consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination. Adhere to any recommended treatment plan or modifications in daily routine.
  • Rest and Limited Activity: Provide a quiet and comfortable space for complete rest, limiting physical activity. Minimize exposure to stressors, such as loud noises or unfamiliar environments.
  • Monitor Behavior Changes: Be attentive to changes in behavior, appetite, or mobility. If there are significant changes, consult the veterinarian for guidance.


In all cases, seeking professional medical or veterinary advice is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Tailoring the approach to the individual's age, developmental stage, and unique needs is essential for effective concussion management.


How Do Concussions Affect Children and Teenagers Differently?

Younger children have subtle symptoms of concussion, and recovery is often faster. Adolescents experiences more pronounced cognitive and emotional effects, potentially leading to longer recovery. Social and academic impacts is more significant in teenagers, and they face challenges in returning to normal activities. Tailored management strategies, including close monitoring and communication with healthcare professionals, are essential for both age groups.

Concussions impacts school performance and relationships, and understanding their long-term effects is evolving. Proper management is crucial to minimize long-term consequences since there's currently no way to prevent concussions.


How is a Concussion Diagnosed?

A concussion is typically diagnosed through a comprehensive clinical assessment conducted by a healthcare professional. This evaluation thoroughly examines the individual's medical history, a detailed description of the injury event, and a focused neurological examination. Specific diagnostic tools, such as imaging studies (CT scans or MRIs), are employed to rule out more severe traumatic brain injuries.

However, it's important to note that concussions often do not show abnormalities on traditional imaging, and the diagnosis relies heavily on the recognition of characteristic symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, confusion, and memory issues. The healthcare provider will assess cognitive function, balance, and coordination during the examination. If a concussion is suspected, the individual is monitored over time to track symptom resolution and ensure a safe return to normal activities.


How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Concussion?

The duration of recovery from a concussion varies widely among individuals, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. In general, most people experience a resolution of symptoms within a few days to weeks after the injury. However, some individuals take longer, and factors such as the severity of the concussion, age, overall health, and adherence to recommended rest and activity modifications influences the recovery timeline. It's crucial for individuals to follow healthcare professionals' advice and not rush the return to regular activities, as premature resumption  prolong recovery and increase the risk of complications.


What are the Long-Term Effects of a Concussion?

The long-term effects of a concussion vary widely, and not everyone will experience persistent symptoms. However, some individuals develop post-concussion syndrome, characterized by lingering symptoms that  lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. Common long-term effects includes:

  • Persistent headaches: Individuals continue to experience recurrent headaches that persist beyond the initial recovery period, impacting daily functioning and quality of life.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Long-term cognitive difficulties manifest as challenges in focusing, processing information, and sustaining attention, affecting academic, professional, or daily tasks.
  • Memory issues: Some individuals grapple with memory impairments, making it challenging to retain, recall, or organize information effectively over an extended period.
  • Mood swings: Long-lasting mood swings, including irritability, frustration, or periods of sadness, is indicative of persistent post-concussion symptoms affecting emotional well-being.
  • Anxiety: Prolonged anxiety develops, causing individuals to experience heightened stress levels, nervousness, or apprehension in various situations.
  • Sleep disturbances: Long-term disruptions in sleep patterns, such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restorative sleep, contribute to fatigue and overall health challenges.


In some cases, repeated concussions, especially if not allowed to fully heal between injuries, contribute to cumulative cognitive deficits and an increased risk of developing conditions like chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Adherence to recommended rest, gradual return to activities, and ongoing monitoring by healthcare professionals contribute to a more favorable long-term outcome.


Can Concussions Be Prevented?

While it is challenging to completely eliminate the risk of concussions, certain preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of sustaining a head injury. Here are some strategies for concussion prevention:

  1. Protective Equipment: Ensure appropriate helmets and protective gear are used in sports and recreational activities where head injuries are common.
  2. Teach Proper Techniques: In sports, educate participants on proper techniques to minimize the risk of collisions and head injuries.
  3. Strengthen Neck Muscles: Engage in exercises that strengthen neck muscles, as a strong neck helps absorb and reduce the impact force during a collision.
  4. Safety in Sports and Recreation: Adhere to established rules and safety guidelines to minimize the risk of head injuries in sports and recreational activities.
  5. Home Safety Measures: Implement safety measures at home to prevent slips, trips, and falls, particularly in areas where head injuries are more likely.
  6. Proper Supervision: Ensure proper supervision, especially for children engaging in activities with a higher risk of head injuries.
  7. Address Environmental Hazards: Identify and address environmental hazards that contribute to head injuries at home and in public spaces.
  8. Vehicle Safety: Ensure the proper use of vehicle seatbelts and child safety seats to reduce the risk of head injuries during accidents.


While these measures significantly reduce the risk of concussions, it's important to note that no prevention strategy guarantees absolute protection. Vigilance, education, and responsible behavior remain crucial in minimizing the occurrence and severity of head injuries.


What Treatment Options Are Available for Concussions?

The primary treatment for concussions involves rest, both physically and cognitively. Over-the-counter pain relievers are used for symptom management, and a gradual return to normal activities is recommended as symptoms improve.

In a hospital setting, treatment for concussions typically involves medical evaluation, monitoring of neurological signs, administration of pain and anti-nausea medications, hydration through IV fluids, rest in a quiet environment, and psychological support. Imaging studies like CT scans or MRIs are conducted to assess the severity of the concussion. Discharge planning includes education on concussion symptoms, expected recovery, and guidelines for follow-up care. Specific interventions depend on the severity of the concussion and associated symptoms.




  • Evaluation of current post-concussion protocols
  • PubMed Review: Concussion in Children
  • Concussion Evaluation and Management (2019 Mar;103(2):251-261.doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2018.10.005. Epub 2018 Dec 3.)
  • Concussion: A Global Perspective (2019 Jul:30:117-127. doi: 10.1016/j.spen.2019.03.017. Epub 2019 Mar 26.)