First Aid for Hypothermia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hypothermia occurs when the body's core temperature drops below the normal range due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. This drop in body temperature, typically below 95°F (35°C), signals a serious health concern that demands immediate attention. While many might associate hypothermia with extreme cold, it occurs even in milder temperatures if the body loses heat faster than it produces it.

The dangers posed by hypothermia are immense, making it crucial for individuals to recognize its signs and understand proper treatment protocols. When the body's internal temperature falls, essential bodily functions slow down, leading to confusion, fatigue, and, in severe cases, unconsciousness. Hypothermia impairs brain and muscle function, disrupts the heartbeat, and, if left untreated, eventually leads to death.


What are the signs and symptoms of hypothermia?

Hypothermia manifests through various signs and symptoms that vary in intensity as the condition progresses. Understanding these indicators is crucial for prompt recognition and intervention. Here is a breakdown of the common signs and symptoms, illustrating how hypothermia escalates from mild to severe stages:

1. Shivering: Shivering is the body's natural response to cold temperatures. It occurs as the body attempts to generate heat by contracting and relaxing muscles rapidly. Shivering is a common symptom in the initial stages of hypothermia as the body tries to maintain its core temperature.

2. Numbness and Tingling: As hypothermia sets in, extremities such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose become numb and tingly. Reduced blood circulation to these areas due to constricted blood vessels is a typical response to the body's effort to conserve heat for vital organs.

3. Confusion and Disorientation: Mental functions are affected as the body temperature drops. Individuals exhibit confusion, disorientation, slurred speech, and difficulty in making decisions. This altered mental state is a clear indicator of worsening hypothermia.

4. Fatigue and Weakness: Hypothermia leads to a significant drop in energy levels. Victims often feel excessively tired, weak, and lethargic. This fatigue results from the body diverting energy resources to vital organs, depriving muscles and the brain of their usual energy supply.

5. Loss of Coordination: Motor skills are impaired as hypothermia progresses. Affected individuals struggle to walk, stumble frequently, and display an unsteady gait. Loss of coordination indicates that the body struggles to maintain normal functioning.

6. Shallow Breathing and Slow Pulse: Breathing becomes shallow and slow in response to dropping body temperature. The heart rate decreases as the body enters a state of hibernation-like preservation, conserving energy and resources.

7. Unconsciousness: In severe hypothermia cases, individuals lose consciousness. The body's metabolic processes slow down dramatically, and the person appear unresponsive, with a weak or undetectable pulse.

8. Cardiac Arrest: In the most critical stage of hypothermia, the heart stop beating altogether, leading to cardiac arrest. This stage is fatal without immediate intervention, such as CPR and rewarming.


Understanding these progressive stages of hypothermia is vital for both prevention and timely treatment. Proper rewarming techniques and first aid measures often reverse mild hypothermia. However, as the condition worsens, medical assistance becomes urgently necessary. Quick and appropriate actions, such as providing warmth and insulation and seeking medical help, improves the chances of survival for someone experiencing hypothermia.


How to Treat Hypothermia with First Aid?

Hypothermia demands immediate and effective first aid. Knowing the proper steps to take affects the victim's chances of survival. Here's a comprehensive guide to administering first aid for hypothermia:


Initial Steps in Hypothermia First Aid

The initial steps in providing first aid for hypothermia involve moving the affected person to a warmer environment. Here’s what to do:

  • Move to a Warm Location: Take the person indoors or to a sheltered area away from the cold, wind, and rain. Call 911 immediately.
  • Remove Wet Clothing: Wet clothes accelerate heat loss. Gently remove wet clothing and replace them with dry, warm layers.
  • Handle Carefully: Be gentle when handling the person, as rough movements trigger cardiac arrest in severe cases.


Methods for Rewarming a Hypothermic Person

Effectively rewarming a hypothermic person is a delicate process that requires a balance between restoring their body temperature and avoiding complications. Several methods be employed to safely rewarm someone experiencing hypothermia, each with its own considerations:

  • Using Dry Clothing: Wet clothes accelerate heat loss, so removing them and providing dry clothing helps prevent further body cooling. Dry clothing acts as an initial barrier, reducing heat loss and allowing the body to begin the rewarming process naturally.
  • Use Blankets and Layers: Wrapping the person in warm blankets or layers of clothing is an effective way to trap body heat and gradually raise their temperature. Wool blankets are helpful as they provide excellent insulation. It's essential to cover the entire body, including the head, hands, and feet, as these areas are particularly vulnerable to heat loss. 
  • Body Heat: Sharing body heat with the hypothermic person is another method for gentle rewarming. This is done by having the person lie down, and someone with an average body temperature cuddle with them under layers of blankets. Although slow, this method is natural and safe, allowing the body to reabsorb heat gradually.
  • Warm, Non-Alcoholic Drinks: Offer warm, non-alcoholic beverages, which help raise the body's internal temperature.


What are the risks associated with improper rewarming.?

Improper rewarming techniques in develop hypothermia cases that pose significant risks. Rapid rewarming leads to "rewarming shock," a medical condition where cold blood rushes to the heart swiftly, causing a dangerous drop in blood pressure and heart failure.

Additionally, applying direct heat sources without protective layers, such as hot water bottles or heating pads, results in burns, particularly if the person's sensation is impaired due to hypothermia.

Rapid rewarming trigger life-threatening irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), especially in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions. Moreover, if frostbite is present, improper rewarming causes reperfusion injury, where tissues are further damaged upon thawing due to blood and oxygen rush. 


How to Insulate and Protect the Affected Individual

Insulating a hypothermic person from further exposure to cold is vital in preventing their condition from worsening. Proper insulation involves using effective materials and techniques to create a barrier that traps body heat and prevents further heat loss. Here's how to insulate a hypothermic person and the significance of maintaining warmth and dryness:

  • Shield from Wind and Moisture: Use additional materials, such as tarps or additional layers of fabric, to shield the person from wind and moisture, further lowering body temperature.
  • Insulate from the Ground: Place insulated pads, foam, or additional blankets between the person and the cold ground to prevent heat loss through conduction.
  • Protect Extremities: Ensure hands, feet, and the head are well-insulated. Use mittens, warm socks, hats, and scarves to cover these areas thoroughly.
  • Prevent Heat Loss During Transport: If the person needs to be moved, continue insulating them during transportation. Use blankets and ensure the vehicle is heated if possible.


CPR for Hypothermia Victims

In severe cases where the person is unresponsive and not breathing normally, CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is crucial. Here’s how to perform CPR for a hypothermia victim:

  • Start Compressions: Place your hands on the center of the person's chest and perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
  • Provide Rescue Breaths: After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths. Ensure the chest rises visibly with each breath.
  • Continue CPR: Alternate between compressions and rescue breaths until the person starts breathing normally or medical help arrives.

Monitoring and Providing Care for Hypothermia Victims:

Continuously monitor the person’s vital signs and provide ongoing care. Monitor breathing and pulse regularly. Be prepared to administer CPR if necessary.

Keep the person calm and reassured. Anxiety increases heat loss and worsens the condition. Even if the person appears to recover, seek medical attention promptly. Internal organs might be affected, requiring professional evaluation.

How is hypothermia treated in a hospital setting?

Hypothermia frequently occurs in trauma patients, exacerbated by traumatic hemorrhage leading to hypovolemic shock. Early recognition and staging of hypothermia are vital for proper triage and improved survival. Treatment should begin early, focusing on preventing further cooling in the prehospital setting and during initial assessment. Active rewarming is crucial for managing hypothermia-induced coagulation disorders in trauma patients, while controlled hypothermia may benefit specific cases such as those with traumatic brain injury or traumatic cardiac arrest by mitigating hypoperfusion and hypoxic injury. Medications are limited, with mild pain relievers and careful use of vasopressors for stability. Monitoring for complications like irregular heartbeats and respiratory issues is essential throughout treatment.

What medications and interventions are used in the treatment of hypothermia?

While there are no specific medications approved for the treatment of hypothermia, the following interventions are commonly used:

  1. Passive and active external rewarming methods, such as warm blankets or immersion in warm water.
  2. Active internal rewarming techniques, including warmed intravenous fluids.
  3. Pharmacological interventions involve mild analgesics for discomfort and cautious use of medications like vasopressors to support hemodynamic stability.
  4. Invasive techniques like extracorporeal rewarming is considered in severe cases.

Hypothermia in Specific Settings

Hypothermia occurs in various settings, each presenting unique challenges. Understanding the specific risks and taking appropriate precautions are crucial to preventing hypothermia-related emergencies. Let's explore hypothermia in different environments:


Hypothermia in Outdoor Environments

Outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, campers, and mountaineers are at risk due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures and unpredictable weather conditions. To avoid hypothermia outdoors, dress in layers, wear moisture-wicking clothing, and carry waterproof gear. Pack extra clothing and blankets, and be prepared for sudden weather changes. Regularly check weather forecasts and plan outdoor activities accordingly.


Hypothermia in Water

Cold water immersion rapidly leads to hypothermia, especially in situations like boating accidents or falling into icy water. To avoid hypothermia in water, always wear a life jacket when near water. If immersed, try to float, keeping as much of the body out of the water as possible. If rescuing someone from the water, do so carefully to avoid capsizing the rescue vessel. Swift removal from wet clothes and insulation is vital for preventing hypothermia.


Hypothermia in Cold Weather Emergencies

Cold weather emergencies, such as power outages or being stranded in a vehicle during a snowstorm, lead to hypothermia due to exposure to freezing temperatures. To avoid hypothermia, it's essential to keep emergency supplies, including blankets, warm clothing, and non-perishable food, in your vehicle. If at home, have a backup heating source and sufficient blankets. Seal any drafts in windows or doors. Stay informed about weather conditions and heed warnings to avoid unnecessary exposure.


Recognizing the risk factors and taking preventive measures are essential in each setting. Being prepared with appropriate clothing, gear, and knowledge of medical emergency procedures reduces the risk of hypothermia-related incidents. Staying vigilant, informed, and proactive is key to ensuring safety in diverse environments where hypothermia poses a threat.


Hypothermia in Newborn

Hypothermia in newborns is a critical concern, especially during the first few days of life. Newborns are more susceptible to hypothermia due to their limited ability to regulate body temperature effectively. Their small size, underdeveloped fat stores, and thin skin make them vulnerable to heat loss. Hypothermia in newborns result from various factors, including premature birth, low birth weight, wet or insufficient clothing, and exposure to cold environments.

Recognizing the signs of hypothermia in newborns is essential. These signs include cold skin, a weak cry, lethargy, poor feeding, and a low body temperature below 97.7°F (36.5°C). Hypothermia lead to severe complications, such as respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, and even organ failure if left untreated.

In cases where hypothermia is suspected or observed, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. Healthcare professionals will provide appropriate warming techniques, monitor vital signs, and address any underlying issues contributing to the hypothermia. Timely intervention and proper care are essential in ensuring the well-being and health of newborns susceptible to hypothermia.

What are the potential complications of hypothermia?

Potential complications of hypothermia include:

  1. Cardiac arrhythmias: Hypothermia disrupts the normal electrical activity of the heart, leading to arrhythmias such as bradycardia, atrial fibrillation, or ventricular fibrillation.
  2. Respiratory depression: Severe hypothermia impairs respiratory function, leading to hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, and hypoxemia.
  3. Metabolic disturbances: Prolonged hypothermia leads to metabolic acidosis, electrolyte imbalances (e.g., hyperkalemia), and coagulopathy.
  4. Tissue damage: Severe hypothermia results in cold-induced tissue injury, such as frostbite or cold-related injuries to the extremities, skin, or other body tissues.
  5. Neurological complications: Hypothermia impair cognitive function, coordination, and consciousness, leading to confusion, lethargy, coma, or even death if left untreated.

Prompt recognition and appropriate management are crucial in preventing or minimizing these complications and improving patient outcomes.


How to Prevent Hypothermia?

Preventing hypothermia requires a proactive approach rooted in awareness and preparedness. Hypothermia prevention strategies encompass a range of measures designed to minimize heat loss and maintain body temperature. These include dressing appropriately for the cold weather, understanding cold water safety, and educating oneself and others about the risks and preventive actions.


Dressing Appropriately for Cold Weather

Dressing appropriately for cold weather is a fundamental defense against hypothermia. Layering clothing is a crucial principle, allowing individuals to adapt to changing temperatures effectively.

  • Wear a moisture-wicking base layer, followed by insulating layers, and finish with a windproof and waterproof outer layer, ensuring the body retains heat while staying dry.
  • Paying attention to extremities, such as hands, feet, ears, and head, by wearing suitable accessories like gloves, thick socks, hats, and earmuffs, further prevents heat loss.
  • Choosing appropriate fabrics, like wool and synthetics, helps retain warmth while avoiding cotton, which loses insulation properties when damp, is essential.


Cold Water Safety and Survival Tips

Cold water safety is paramount, especially during activities involving bodies of water. Here are some survival tips to avoid hypothermia in cold water:

  • Always wear a life jacket when near bodies of water. It offers crucial buoyancy and is a life-saving device in emergencies.
  • If accidentally immersed in cold water, remain calm. Floating helps conserve energy. Keep your head above water and control your breathing to avoid panic.
  • If in a group, huddling together effectively shares body heat, significantly increasing the chances of survival in cold water.
  • Understand the water conditions thoroughly before engaging in any water-related activities. Practice caution and respect the power of cold water to minimize risks and enhance safety measures.


Educating Others on Hypothermia Risk and Prevention

Educating others about hypothermia risks and prevention is a communal responsibility that fosters community preparedness. Spreading awareness about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia and preventive measures equips individuals to identify risks and take appropriate action. This education should encompass understanding the dangers of prolonged cold exposure, recognizing early symptoms, and knowing how to administer basic first aid. By sharing knowledge and promoting a safety culture, communities work together to reduce the incidence of hypothermia-related incidents and ensure a safer environment for all.


Hypothermia and Hyperthermia

Hypothermia and hyperthermia represent extreme temperature conditions in the body. Hyperthermia is a heat related condition that results from excessive heat absorption, causing the body temperature to rise , often due to hot weather or strenuous activity. Symptoms include sweating, rapid heartbeat, and confusion, with severe cases potentially leading to heatstroke.

Both conditions require prompt attention. Hypothermia necessitates gradual rewarming and insulation, while hyperthermia demands rapid cooling techniques and medical assistance, especially in cases of heatstroke. Prevention involves appropriate clothing, hydration, and awareness of vulnerable populations. 


Benefits of CPR/First Aid Certification for Dealing with Hypothermia

Certification in CPR and First Aid enhances an individual's ability to respond effectively to hypothermia emergencies. CPR and First Aid Certification equip individuals with a comprehensive understanding of essential techniques and protocols, enabling them to provide life-saving assistance in various scenarios involving hypothermia. Certified individuals are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of hypothermia promptly, enabling early intervention. They possess the knowledge to assess the severity of the condition and initiate appropriate first aid measures, including proper insulation rewarming.



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  • Accidental hypothermia 2012 Nov 15;367(20):1930-8. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra1114208.
  • Hypothermia in Trauma 2021 Aug 18;18(16):8719. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168719.