EMR Practice Test: NREMT Exam Preparation

The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) test, known as the NREMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) EMR exam, assesses the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for immediate emergency medical care. The test covers several categories, each focusing on different aspects of emergency medical services (EMS), including Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation; Cardiology and Resuscitation; Trauma; Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology; and EMS Operations.

The NREMT EMR exam is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), meaning the number of questions varies based on the candidate’s performance, typically including between 90 to 110 questions with a time limit of up to 1.5 hours. The distribution of questions generally falls into the following ranges:

  • Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation: 20-24%
  • Cardiology and Resuscitation: 25-29%
  • Trauma: 15-19%
  • Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology: 24-28%;
  • EMS Operations: 10-14%.

Test Adaptation

Since the test is adaptive, the difficulty and number of questions adjust as the candidate answers each question, aiming to accurately measure the candidate’s competence level by presenting questions that match their ability. The test concludes once it has determined the candidate’s proficiency level with sufficient confidence, resulting in a varying number of questions for each test-taker.

Sampling Of Emr Test Questions And Answers From The Nremt Exam

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1. You arrive on scene to assist a 24-year-old woman complaining of severe pelvic pain and fever. She mentions a history of similar, less severe episodes. What is a likely diagnosis?
  • A. Appendicitis
  • B. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • C. Urinary tract infection
  • D. Ovarian cysts
2. Which question to ask to determine the patient's chief complaint?
  • A. What can I do for you?
  • B. Who called the ambulance?
  • C. Should I call advanced medical help?
  • D. When did the emergency start?
3. You and your partner, Chris, arrive on the scene to find a woman in her 40s lying on a couch. Which of the following would determine your next actions?
  • A. The patient's blood pressure
  • B. The patient's Respirations
  • C. The patient's level of consciousness
  • D. The patient's pulse
4. A call comes in for a woman in her third trimester complaining of constant severe back pain and feeling faint. What should you suspect?
  • A. Kidney infection
  • B. Labor
  • C. Placental abruption
  • D. Round ligament pain
5. During a community health fair, a woman approaches you with concerns about missing her period and recently passing large clots of blood. What is the most appropriate first question?
  • A. "When did you last eat?"
  • B. "Is there a chance you could be pregnant?"
  • C. "Have you been exercising more frequently?"
  • D. "Are you currently on any blood thinners?"
6. During a shift, you and your partner Ben respond to a call at a local restaurant where a man is reportedly choking on food. Upon arrival, you find the man pale and sweating, whispering for help with a fish bone stuck in his throat. What is the most appropriate initial action?
  • A. Perform the Heimlich maneuver immediately
  • B. Advise him to eat slower in the future
  • C. Wait until he becomes unconscious to intervene
  • D. Encourage him to try coughing up the obstruction
7. After suctioning vomit from a patient's airway, your partner, April, prepares for the next steps. What should she do immediately following the suctioning procedure?
  • A. Discard the catheter immediately after use.
  • B. Clean the catheter with sterile water in preparation for possible additional suctioning.
  • C. Place the catheter in a biohazard container.
  • D. Move on to securing the airway with an oropharyngeal airway.
8. During an emergency call for a patient with respiratory failure, you decide to use a bag-valve-mask (BVM) to assist ventilation. What is a crucial technique to apply while using a BVM?
  • A. Squeeze the bag as quickly and as often as possible.
  • B. Ensure a tight seal between the mask and the patient's face.
  • C. Use minimal oxygen flow to prevent hyperoxia.
  • D. Alternate quickly between the nose and mouth for ventilation.
9. You and your partner, Owen, respond to a call concerning a lethargic child. On arrival, you find a 10-year-old boy with abnormal breathing patterns and recent vomiting. Based on his vital signs, which scenario indicates she needs immediate transport to the hospital?
  • A. BP 104/60, respirations 24 per minute, pulse 82
  • B. BP 100/58, respirations 14 per minute, pulse 130
  • C. BP 108/64, respirations 20 per minute, pulse 100
  • D. BP 116/70, respirations 27 per minute, pulse 96
10. You are called to assist an adult patient who has been found unconscious in their home. No obvious signs of trauma are present. After ensuring the scene is safe, what is your first action regarding the airway management of this patient?
  • A. Immediately start chest compressions.
  • B. Insert an oropharyngeal airway device.
  • C. Open the airway using a head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver.
  • D. Ventilate with a bag-valve mask.
11. During a high school football game, a 17-year-old player collapses and is unresponsive. An AED is brought to the scene. After confirming cardiac arrest, what should you do next?
  • A. Administer a shock immediately
  • B. Perform two minutes of CPR before using the AED
  • C. Turn on the AED and follow the prompts
  • D. Check for a pulse again
12. You are first on scene where a 50-year-old male complains of chest pain radiating to his left arm. What is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
  • A. Acid reflux
  • B. Myocardial infarction
  • C. Musculoskeletal pain
  • D. Anxiety attack
13. While providing CPR to a 60-year-old woman in a grocery store, the AED advises a shock. After delivering the shock, what is your next immediate action?
  • A. Check for a pulse
  • B. Resume chest compressions
  • C. Administer two rescue breaths
  • D. Wait for the AED to be reanalyzed
14. A marathon runner collapses at the finish line and is unresponsive. A bystander mentioned he was clutching his chest before collapsing. What is the most likely cause?
  • A. Dehydration
  • B. Stroke
  • C. Heart attack
  • D. Exhaustion
15. What is considered a normal systolic blood pressure for a child?
  • A. Below 80 mm Hg
  • B. Exactly 70 mm Hg
  • C. Above 70 mm Hg
  • D. Above 120 mm Hg
16. A patient has sustained a deep laceration on the forearm with significant bleeding. What is the most effective initial management?
  • A. Apply a tourniquet above the injury
  • B. Elevate the limb
  • C. Clean the wound with sterile water
  • D. Apply direct pressure to the wound
17. Which of the following conditions is generally NOT considered a high priority for emergency response?
  • A. Poor general impression
  • B. Unresponsiveness
  • C. Severe pain
  • D. Childbirth
18. During triage at a multi-vehicle accident, which patient should be given priority?
  • A. A patient with an open fracture of the tibia
  • B. A patient who is anxious but has no visible injuries
  • C. A patient with rapid, shallow breathing and pale skin
  • D. A patient with minor lacerations and bruising
19. During a soccer match, a player is struck in the chest with a ball and collapses, struggling to breathe. What should you suspect?
  • A. Abdominal injury
  • B. Tension pneumothorax
  • C. Cardiac arrest
  • D. Rib fracture
20. In a patient experiencing shock from trauma, what is the best position to place them in while awaiting transport?
  • A. Sitting upright
  • B. Prone
  • C. Supine with legs elevated
  • D. Left lateral recumbent
21. What is the most important piece of information to relay to the hospital while transporting a critically injured patient?
  • A. The patient's insurance information
  • B. The patient's past medical history
  • C. Detailed description of the accident scene
  • D. The patient's current condition and vital signs
22. What should be the approach when communicating with a patient's family during a medical emergency?
  • A. Provide all detailed medical procedures being performed
  • B. Offer comfort and explain actions in understandable terms
  • C. Demand that they stay back and not interfere
  • D. Ignore them to focus on the patient
23. During a call, you must communicate confidential patient information to the hospital. What is the best method to ensure the information remains secure?
  • A. Use coded language over the radio.
  • B. Transmit all details openly to save time.
  • C. Use a secure phone line for sensitive information.
  • D. Discuss the information only when you arrive at the hospital.
24. You respond to a scene where a patient refuses care but appears to be confused. How should you proceed with consent?
  • A. Assume consent because the patient is confused.
  • B. Treat the patient only if they become unconscious.
  • C. Obtain consent from a family member if possible.
  • D. Proceed without consent as the patient is not in immediate danger.
25. In emergency response situations, what is the area of hazardous contamination referred to as?
  • A. Black zone
  • B. Red zone
  • C. Contamination zone
  • D. Hot zone

The NREMT offers other tests for different levels of emergency medical responders, including Paramedics. If you are preparing for the Paramedic exam, try our Paramedics Practice Test to help you succeed.