Mastering Online CPR Certification: Benefits and Essential Advice

Many years ago, the idea of learning CPR online seemed far-fetched by most standards. But with the help of technological advancements and improved internet, online training is becoming more understood, not just in the healthcare industry. As a result, all major CPR providers nowadays offer CPR certification online BLS certification.

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Digital CPR course, including its benefits and tips on becoming CPR certified.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an essential skill in saving lives during environmental emergencies, and other critical emergencies. When someone is unconscious, without a pulse, and not breathing, CPR needs to be done as fast as possible. It could be in a case where they are in cardiac arrest or a drowning accident. If they don’t receive CPR within the first two minutes, their chance of survival will reduce before emergency responders arrive. In that case, it also means the person can get permanent brain damage because of a lack of blood flow to the brain. CPR involves compressing the chest and the heart to enhance blood supply to the brain.

Why Should You Take a CPR Class?

Some people ignore taking the CPR and First Aid training because they think it’s a waste of time, and it’s not essential considering they can use the mouth-to-mouth technique to save a life. The mouth- to mouth is simple to apply and doesn’t need a certificate to perform it. However, the bad news is that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on its own is not effective in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.

With the advancement of technology, things have changed rapidly in all sectors. If you are a parent, wondering where to take infant CPR class, don’t have to go through the hustle of creating time for physical hands-on CPR and First Aid Training Courses, as you can easily enroll in an CPR online certification course.

Many differences exist between traditional hands-on training and online training program but with a common aim: to equip you with skills to save lives in any medical emergency, following the healthcare guidelines of the American Heart Association for Emergency Cardiovascular Care, National Safety Council, and American Red Cross. With that said, there are several questions one should ask themselves when enrolling in these online CPR classes.

cpr certified online

Basic Questions to Ask When Taking an Online CPR Class

Your needs should be what guide you when choosing an online CPR class. For that matter, you should ensure it meets your job specifications, whether they are related to children under your care or have specific medical issues like there are high chances of cardiac arrest. For other reasons, you can take online classes for your interest.

  • Test? There should be a test, particularly when showing your employers your certificate. In most cases, you get and pay for your certificate when you have passed the required tests and passing the certification exams. If you fail, you retake the test until you pass. You should know whether the site offering the course allows retaking the test if you fail or pay for another class to do the test again.
  • Is the instructor CPR certified? You should know if your instructor is qualified to teach you the course or not. You should not pay for such a class even if it is the cheapest you can find. You must get a skill from a recognized site or organization.
  • Which instructional tool do you need? CPR is more of a practical class, and hence when taking the online course, there are some essential tools you should have to grab and master the skill correctly. You need a dummy for the class since you can’t master a skill by just watching a video clip.

To get answers to your questions, you need to look for a quality training center to get your CPR lifesaving skill. Not an ordinary but world-class organization is offering the course.

Getting Your Online Class

Many CPR training programs are available and offered by many hospitals, ambulance services, fire departments, community colleges, training center, and community healthcare organizations. In addition, all organizations have incorporated online teaching programs to cater to those who have little time to attend physical classes and those at the international level. However, with that said, it doesn’t mean that all of the CPR training classes are the same.

In the majority of the states, a single agency or institution cannot accredit a CPR class. But any individual or commercial can offer some training and provide a certificate to prove you are fully accredited. Most US employers accept accreditation from the national safety council, the American Heart Association, and the American red cross. It would help if you talked to your employers before taking CPR classs online.

Most of these online classes are free and only charge a minimal fee to cater to your completion card. Most online CPR training charges range between $15 to $50. Unfortunately, these training programs cannot equip you with the level of confidence required when saving a life during a life-threatening situation because the online courses lack teaching devices and hands on skills sessions.

CPR Certified

Benefits of Being CPR Certified

CPR certification is a life saving skills training that empowers people every day to become heroes and heroines and renew a person who has gone into a cardiac emergency. These benefits include:

1. Increasing the number of CPR individuals who are needed

More than 12 million people train on CPR skills annually, but this number is not enough. Anyone can get cardiac arrest anywhere without their consent. Nevertheless, a CPR certified person can help someone with cardiac arrest before an emergency escalate. One of the good things about CPR is that anyone can learn it. It doesn’t matter whether you are a student, parent, or child; CPR is a skill meant for everyone to save lives. Knowledge has power, and CPR certification gives you the technical skill and know-how to save lives. You can be of great importance in helping firefighters, police, and Emergency Medical Services in emergency situations.

2. When you are CPR certified, you become valuable in your workplace

What will you do if one of your workmates goes into cardiac arrest in a break room? When you are CPR certified online, you can help and provide immediate support needed to save the person’s life. CPR skills make you exceptional from others, making you valuable in the office. Those who can dedicate their time to learning these skills of saving life can include them in their portfolio.

3. Make a difference for cardiac arrest victims

Exceptionally few people can carry out the CPR skill correctly when cardiac arrest happens where it’s a significant problem. Cardiac arrest makes the heart stop beating suddenly. When this happens, the blood doesn’t flow to the brain and other body parts. Thus, if the cardiac arrest victim is not attended to immediately, not less than two minutes, they can lose their lives. Statistics show that 92% of cardiac arrest victims barely make it to the hospital alive. A half can reduce this number with immediate CPR, and more cardiac victims can survive. Taking CPR online certification can make a difference in the family, and you could help increase the cardiac victim’s chances to stay.

4. Help save someone’s life

Let’s look at the statistic from the American Heart Association to have a better understanding of the impact of CPR in cases of emergencies, consider the following:

  • Nearly 70% of people cannot help in cases of life-threatening emergencies because they do not have CPR skills or their CPR certification has lapsed.
  • Bystanders tend to help 32% of cardiac arrest victims with CPR.
  • Most out of hospital cardiac arrest cases happen at home, which means those people you love can be the victims.
  • More cardiac arrest cases happen outside of a hospital, with more than 359,000 emergency cases.
  • A cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival decrease to about 7% to 10 % when CPR and defibrillation are not carried out immediately.

When one is equipped with CPR skills, you can help reduce the loss of life in cases of emergencies. Performing CPR can help maintain brain functionality in a cardiac arrest situation. In addition, knowing how to carry out the CPR procedure allows you to supply oxygen to a cardiac arrest victim, increasing the chances of the victim’s blood flowing throughout the entire body.

5. You will learn how to use AED.

An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is a device that can be used during a cardiac emergency. The tool analyzes the heart rhythm and provides a shock to restore the heart rhythm. Only during CPR training can you earn how to use the AED device. It helps you save a life in an emergency by learning how to use it effectively. Being CPR certified is crucial at all levels of experience, and any individual is encouraged to enroll in online learning CPR classes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is online certification training acceptable?

Yes. If you want to learn about CPR and First Aid to be prepared for an emergency, online training is more than sufficient.

Will Employers Accept Online Training?

Most employers accept first aid certification online that has OSHA standards and follows the American Red Cross and American Heart Association guidelines for Emergency Cardiovascular Care. However, you still need to check your employer’s certification requirements before signing up for any online program

How long is each class?

The duration for each class is 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the online course. The best part is it allows you to study the coursework at your own pace.

How long is CPR certification valid?

Once completed, your CPR and First Aid certification card will be valid for two years. After that, you need to take a CPR online recertification classes to keep your current certification active.


CPR/AED online certification class covers basic life support skills that anyone can learn even if you are not a medical professional or healthcare providers. CPR isn’t expensive in terms of fees, as only a small fee is charged to cater for the digital certification and CPR card (same-day certification). If you are already CPR-certified but your certification is almost expired, it's recommended to take CPR AED recertification online to keep your skills updated in saving lives.

There are organizations offering the course free to educate as many people as possible to save many lives globally, but they don’t provide certificate of completion. It’s essential for any individual to be CPR certified because it can save the life of a close friend, relative, or workmate. Even though the online CPR AED certification may not equip you fully with the required skills due to the lack of learning resources, it is better to carry out CPR to learn life-saving skills. Therefore, sparing some hours to learn CPR can be of great importance, even in your portfolio.

Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training & Certification Classes at just $19.95.