What Does CPR Stand For And Why Is It Important | CPR Meaning
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What Does CPR Stand For?
The acronym CPR stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. It is a first aid emergency procedure used to save a person’s life that has a sudden cardiac arrest. It involves rescue breathing and chest compressions to allow oxygenated blood to circulate to vital organs like the brain and heart. Let’s break this down further to understand CPR better.
Cardio: The word “cardio” basically means the heart. Our heart is one of the most critical organs in our bodies. The heart is a powerful muscle found in the chest, which expands and contracts more than 60 times every minute and pumps blood, which is rich in oxygen, from the lungs to the rest of the organs in the body. If the heart stops pumping that all-important oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body, tissue begins to die because the body’s vital organs are being deprived of the oxygen it needs to survive. This leads to organ malfunction, brain damage, or, in the worst case, death.
Pulmonary: The word “pulmonary” essentially means the lungs. The lungs are as important as the heart because when you take a breath (which you do up to 25 times a minute!), you fill your lungs with much-needed oxygen and that oxygen combines with sugar to fuel your body and its vital organs. Since the tissues in our body do not store much oxygen, they must remain constantly oxygenated.
Resuscitation: The “R” in CPR is the most crucial letter, meaning “resuscitation.” It means bringing someone who is apparently “dead” back to life. It sounds more like a sci-fi movie than it really is. The human body only has a short supply of oxygen once the heart stops and the lungs no longer receive adequate oxygen. Once it runs out of oxygen, cell and tissue damage ensue, leading to brain damage and even death. When resuscitating a victim, it is important to remember that without oxygen, cell and tissue death begins between four and six minutes after being deprived of oxygen.
In simple terms, CPR is a life-saving action you take when someone's heart or breathing stops.
Why is CPR Important?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is lifesaving. It helps keep the blood circulating and delivers oxygen to the body until treatment from a medical professional is available. There is usually sufficient oxygen in the blood to keep the victim’s brain and other vital organs alive, supported for a few minutes. Still, it is not circulating until someone accomplishes CPR.
Although there is no guarantee that a cardiac arrest victim will survive CPR, it gives the victim a chance. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), cardiopulmonary resuscitation double or triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Without performing CPR, it will only take a few minutes for the victim’s brain to become injured due to a lack of oxygen.
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About 9 in 10 people who have experienced cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. But did you know that CPR helps improve those odds? If CPR is performed immediately and correctly, it double or triple the chance of survival.
Cardiac arrests often happen at home
According to studies, approximately 350,000 cardiac arrests happen outside hospitals each year. About 7 in 10 of those cases occur at home. Unfortunately, almost half of the victims don’t get the help they need from relatives and bystanders due to a lack of knowledge in CPR. Often, they just wait for the ambulance arrives because they are afraid of the harm or complications of CPR.
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Hands-Only CPR: Involves only chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute without rescue breaths. This is recommended for bystanders who are untrained in traditional CPR.
Traditional CPR (with breaths): Consists of cycles of 30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths. This type is suitable for all age groups and especially important in cases involving children or drowning victims.
When should CPR be performed?
CPR should be performed when a victim has suffered a cardiac arrest, caused when the electrical activity in the victim’s heart goes haywire. This causes the heart to stop beating. The point of CPR with cardiac arrest is to physically pump the heart through the chest, causing it to partially restore the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain until the medical emergency team arrives.
Here are the situations in which oxygen is prevented from reaching the lungs includes:
Heart attack
Electric shock
Ventricular fibrillation (in which the heart’s rhythm goes awry)
What happens during CPR?
During the CPR procedure, a person initiates a series of steps to help the victim’s blood continue circulating and maintain oxygen levels in the victim’s body. The procedure includes rescue breathing into the victim’s lungs and compressing the victim’s chest. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation works on the principle of 30 chest compressions and two ventilation breaths, known as 30:2.
How to Perform CPR?
Many people outside the medical field do not know what are the steps of CPR. According to the British Heart Foundation, nearly 10,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims die each year due to a lack of knowledge about what to do if someone is found unconscious. That’s why learning how to do CPR, and other lifesaving techniques are essential in the community to increase the survival rate.
Here are the proper steps that should be followed when performing CPR:
Call the emergency hotline immediately– If the victim is not breathing, get someone to call 911 and look for an automated external defibrillator external icon (AED) while you begin CPR. If there are no other people in the area, you need to contact 911 first before starting CPR.
Push the chest as hard as you can– Place the victim on a firm, flat surface. Then push down the center of the chest at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute. Let the chest rise to its normal position after each compression. The American Heart Association recommends timing the pushes to the beat of the song “Stayin’ Alive.”
Give rescue breathing if necessary– If the victim needs initial rescue breath or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, open their airway by tilting back their head and lifting the chin. Then pinch the soft part of the nose to avoid air from escaping. Do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation at a steady rate. The person’s chest should rise and fall when you take your mouth away. Second rescue breath must be given before doing 30 more chest compressions to restore blood flow.
Keep repeating the CPR steps until you see obvious signs of life or until emergency medical personnel arrives.
During CPR training, "What does CPR stand for?" is not only about the acronym but also about mastering the compression depth for life-saving chest compressions.
Who Can Perform CPR?
Anyone can perform CPR. Healthcare professionals, trained bystanders, and even untrained individuals are encouraged to step in during emergencies. Good Samaritan laws protects bystanders who perform CPR from legal liability, as long as they act in good faith. While healthcare providers receive advanced CPR training, basic CPR courses are available for the general public.
How long should CPR be performed?
CPR should be performed without interruption until either emergency medical personnel arrive, the person shows signs of life, or you are physically unable to continue. In terms of time, CPR needs to be sustained around 10-20 minutes or more in out-of-hospital settings, depending on response time for professional help. Continuous and effective compressions during this period are crucial for the person’s chances of survival.
Can CPR be performed on any age group?
Yes, CPR is performed on individuals of any age group, including infants, children, adults, and the elderly. However, the technique may vary slightly depending on the age, size of the person, and other special circumstances.
Is Hands-Only CPR Effective?
Yes, Hands-Only CPR is effective in adults experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. This method focuses solely on chest compressions without mouth-to-mouth breaths, making it simpler and quicker to perform in emergency situations.
What are the risks of performing CPR?
Performing CPR can lead to some risks, including:
Rib fractures and bruising: Common due to the pressure needed for effective compressions.
Lung injuries: Possible if compressions are too deep.
Internal injuries: Rare but may occur, especially in frail or older individuals.
Vomiting and aspiration: Air may enter the stomach, causing vomiting, which requires careful airway management.
What are the success rates of CPR in different scenarios?
Success rates of CPR varies depending on several factors, including the promptness of initiation, the cause of cardiac arrest, the quality of CPR performed, and the presence of underlying medical conditions. Generally, the chances of successful resuscitation decrease over time. In out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, survival rates range from around 10% to 30%, while survival rates for in-hospital cardiac arrests tend to be higher, typically ranging from 20% to 60%. Success rates also vary based on whether the arrest is witnessed or unwitnessed, the presence of bystander CPR, and the availability of advanced medical care.
How does CPR interact with other first aid methods?
CPR is often used alongside other first aid methods, such as using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to restore normal heart rhythm. Additionally, first aid procedures like controlling bleeding or placing the victim in the recovery position can be performed alongside CPR to address other critical health issues, such as airway obstruction or severe blood loss, while keeping the person alive until advanced medical help arrives.
Is it legal to perform CPR without certification?
Yes, in most jurisdictions, Good Samaritan laws protect bystanders who perform CPR, even without certification, as long as they act in good faith and with reasonable care to help the person in distress.
What certifications are available for CPR?
There are several CPR certifications tailored to different levels of training and professional needs. Basic CPR is designed for the general public, teaching essential life-saving techniques like chest compressions and rescue breathing. BLS (Basic Life Support) is aimed at healthcare professionals and covers more advanced techniques, including the use of an AED and managing complex emergencies. For those in higher-level healthcare roles, certifications like ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) and PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) are available, which focus on advanced skills for treating adults and children in critical care scenarios.